Raising my kid!

A child brings in immense joy, responsibilities, tantrums, along with them! With every tear that they could ever give a parent, they bring in countless happiness! When I state tear, it could not be meaning a drop of water from the eyes! It could just mean the sleepless nights, the pain, or anything. Isn't it? I am sure you all agree. I have a four year old. And I love her. Her hands around my neck, her wet kisses and her saying "I love you, mommy", is enough to make my day real good! She is well raised. She would keep away her toys, helps me around the house, brushes her own teeth, compassionate and kind. But still there are things I like doing for her. Like carrying her out of the door every day when she is ready for school upto the elevator. I like carrying her bag or her, when she arrives from school! I love feeding her food. So what? Big deal? I don't think so! This comes in since I was just reading about someone literally pointing out if parents should ac...