
The shimmering eyes
The lips in a smile
The shoulders that droop
But the hug that can take me in a scoop!

The ‘you’ standing tall
With you around, I fear no fall!
The warm hands that you shake
My heart, you would never break!

Your chest that feels like my bed
I love it when you blush out red!
Your chubby cheeks 
I could bite them so hard, they would hurt for weeks!!

Your pokey nose
I draw you more close;
Till no air can pass through us
Do you think I would reason your fuss?

As you wrap your hands around me
Why, now I don’t feel like I should flee?
The kiss that starts,
Beating fast are both our hearts!!

I hold you tight,
I want no more any fight.
I don’t want to know who is right
I just want the love light shining bright!!

It’s you, yes it’s you
I so wish you somehow knew
Our Love is nothing, but true
Growing in the hearts of us two!!


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