Journey from when you call it “Quits”!
I am sure most of the guys out there reading this article at some point of time or other, faced this scenario. I bet you did! Journey from when you call it “Quits!” Gives you basically two emotions, namely – 1] Happiness 2] Confidence Let me explain how these two emotions gripped me during the time I was serving the notice period (NP). 1] Happiness: Oh yes! This was the first emotion I faced and lot many of you too must have gone through each time you call it quits in any organization. See… it still brings that huge scintillating smile of my face!! Love it always. Okay, now why do I get happy? I would anyways be working, if not here then somewhere else. So what’s the big deal?? But still I was happy. And this time I knew … why!!!!! I had been working like a dog in this organization. And when it’s time for any reward or for that matter any recognition, forget the bones, I get only peanuts! Do I like it?? The answer is a big “NO”. Recognition seems to come only to the leader (clow...