With Nature!

The cuckoo on the tree
Whistling new songs, he is so free!
His soothing voice, raising above all the noise
He hides amongst the leaves, thats his choice!

The sweet smelling earth
To many new saplings, she has given birth!
Caressing her children
In her womb, many secrets are hidden!

The seed that was lucky to grow
The sprout that could finally show
The hard soil that the gardener did plough
And kept it safe from the crow!

The water that did flow
Not fast, but slow.
The drizzle that fell
The story that it did tell...
For we all need to mature
And care for the nature
Not to hinder the growth of the plants
Not to cut forests and burn the ants!

The animals in the forests and farms
They are, but our lucky charm!
For the balance needs to maintained
Or else, soon we would be strained!

The colorful flowers and the chirping birds
The growing grass and the grazing herds
The rainbow peeping through the clouds
Could shake the dead in their shrouds!

The human kids that race and play
Oh no, the clouds are turning grey!
For they realise who are the prey
Humans have all gone astray!

We better wake up and care about the earth
Now is the time, let’s not wait for the dearth!
For its already late, but better late then never
Lets live in sync with nature forever!

**All rights reserved


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