Language Intolerance

Born and brought up in Asom, my father always used to tell us " Its good to learn more languages"! And grew up with the same belief. I still believe the same. I for myself, know around 6 Indian languages and 2 foreign! So that's not bad I assume!

I find it very funny to see social network full of hatred messages on language. For heaven's sake, language? I mean why? Don't we have enough issues on hand? Can we instead bother about the other more important concerns the country is facing? Can we think of India first and then of the regions?

Well, I assume not. With the spirit I get to see in the social networking sites, the hatred people pour out towards languages not their own, is simply pathetic. India is definitely in a sorry state of affairs if we are fighting such petty matters.

What is language? In border terms, language is just the ability to communicate. People used to communicate in sign languages earlier. Good that languages were developed later on. People started learning.  We were enriched. Our knowledge increased and hence our reach. We traveled the globe. We are in almost every nook and corner of the world now. But to what avail? We are still fighting language in our homeland? Such a pity.

In my other article if Hindi is the national language, people commented why English is better. I do not have any issues with English! English is bridging the gap. Everywhere in the world people undertand English. It must be the most widely used language in the world. I never mentioned that any of the regional languages are not important. Every language are equally precious and important. Let's show some respect and tolerance.

If we can speak English because that is widely used throughout the world, then why not the language which is widely used in India? How does the preciousness of some other language come into picture now? Did we compare the preciousness when learning English? No we didn't!

Well, I am no one to say who should learn and speak which language. I am sure everyone is smart to decide for themselves. So whether you speak English or your own, just do not force the others to do the same, please. When you travel to Greece, the local out there do not force others to speak in Greek! There I am sure, you speak in English! Kindly have the same tolerance here in the country too.

Let's not fight over language. Its beautiful feeling that we are able to converse. We are able to express ourselves. We understand each other. How does language become a barrier. Let's just grow out of our shells. And build a better India.


  1. Exactly the point of people who or opposing Hindi imposition.

    When you travel to Greece, you don't demand them to speak in Hindi but you speak in English. But at the same time, when you travel to tamil nadu, you demand that Tamils must speak in Hindi.

    India is not a single country. It is a union of states. A pure definition of state is this

    "a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government."

    So each state has its own culture own language and tradition. You see, India is not a single nation, it is an union of Nations same like European Union.

    Now, Hindi (which you say predominantly spoken in india) is one nation's language. When that nation member goes to another nation, they should try respecting the other nation's language.

    May be you might not be aware of the fact that, the most arrogant people in terms of Language is not from south India but from North.

    You demand everyone must speak Hindi to be called Indians
    You demand everyone must speak Hindi because it is the language of the land
    You demand everyone must speak Hindi because that is the only language unite this country.

    Now tell me as a Tamil Speaker, can't my language unite the country? can't my language speaker cannot be called Indians

    Yes Language is for communication, but language of the guest cannot be the language for communication. If that happens, I can demand Delhi guys to speak in Tamil in delhi. I must learn Hindi when I am in Delhi because that's the language of that land (actually, delhi is a mixture of all languages where it gets raped and get a new language but you get the point)

    Yes we need to grow up and be matured in the fact that, we are not a single country but a country of countries and each has their own language which we need to respect

  2. There you see. You cleared your own doubts. When you travel to greece, you speak in English, not Greek. Similarly, if you travel to South India(I specify here because you said you are Tamil), you speak in English. Then too the native language should not be forced.

    Again, if the X℅ of Indians do not want to interact with the Y% of Indians (where Y is exponentially bigger than X), do you think it would bother someone? No. We should all be willing and tolerant. If that X percentage do not wish, even if that X percentage be Assamese people, rest of Indian would not care.

    Your question of if Tamil speakers can unite the country. I am sure most of the people think of themselves as Indians. We do not think as Tamil, Hindi, Assamese or other language. If we want to unite the nation we would like to do things that would create harmony. We would try to bridge the gap. Not put oil to fire!

    Your point of 'Language of the guest' is highly sensitive and hurting. Its one nation. In that case the people from the South would also be guest in Assam or other states. And if we demand you speak in Assamese? But you know what, we do not. We respect that your language is important and we give you the benefit of doubt that you do not understand our language. We do not think, you are intentionally not speaking. Infact you would see that people try to understand what you say. And that's the same in the rest of India too. I have never met any Indian who doesn't understand humanity.

    Its mostly in social networking sites that some bunch of people create such scenes. Else otherwise people all want peace.

  3. There you see. You cleared your own doubts. When you travel to greece, you speak in English, not Greek. Similarly, if you travel to South India(I specify here because you said you are Tamil), you speak in English. Then too the native language should not be forced.

    Again, if the X℅ of Indians do not want to interact with the Y% of Indians (where Y is exponentially bigger than X), do you think it would bother someone? No. We should all be willing and tolerant. If that X percentage do not wish, even if that X percentage be Assamese people, rest of Indian would not care.

    Your question of if Tamil speakers can unite the country. I am sure most of the people think of themselves as Indians. We do not think as Tamil, Hindi, Assamese or other language. If we want to unite the nation we would like to do things that would create harmony. We would try to bridge the gap. Not put oil to fire!

    Your point of 'Language of the guest' is highly sensitive and hurting. Its one nation. In that case the people from the South would also be guest in Assam or other states. And if we demand you speak in Assamese? But you know what, we do not. We respect that your language is important and we give you the benefit of doubt that you do not understand our language. We do not think, you are intentionally not speaking. Infact you would see that people try to understand what you say. And that's the same in the rest of India too. I have never met any Indian who doesn't understand humanity.

    Its mostly in social networking sites that some bunch of people create such scenes. Else otherwise people all want peace.


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