Expire hogaya!

This is funny and interesting at the same time. Me and my toddler were watching the India Vs Australia cricket match. And playing along too with her games - Pretend play. So it was a cooking session going on and she told she would put some salt into the dish. All of a sudden she picked up a small packet and said "Expire hogaya"!!! I was like shocked and surprised to hear those words from her. She is not even 3 and uttering words like " Expire hogaya".

I couldn't smile at her language usage. But I also wanted to know why she used those words and hence I asked "What does it mean?"

She was instantaneous to reply. It means "you need to throw it away"! Amazed I was!!

Frankly I am proud of her vocabulary. This is obviously not the first time she used such words. Her words and phrases uses and exactly at the right time never fails to leave me bewildered!

I mean such small age and such a grip over language already! Amazing. I am sure at her age I could hardly speak 1 language! And she understands and speaks 3! Hats off to you kiddo. May you always keep shining. May the lord always keep blessing you. God bless.


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