New Year resolution!

Well okay, I know its almost 12 days into the new year and my article is little late. But let me be little late then never!

So new year resolution. What is it? What's the hue and cry over it. What is so special about the new year resolution??

A resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something, in vague terms! We all believe and hope the new year would bring along the happiness, success, love; whatever we could not attain the earlier year. So why we wait for the new year. Why can' t we just start. Just take resolution for good, anytime? Well we can. We can and we keep taking decisions everyday. But its only the mind, which helps us keep through the decision.

So my new year resolution? Well, I don't make one. I know what I want and what I need. I stick to my beliefs. If I think something needs to be changed, I do it. I don't wait to do it next year. After all who knows, what tomorrow brings in!

Some resolutions I have always kept doing are - be myself, not to be sorry for being little selfish for enjoying life, helping someone in need, letting go what I cannot control, forgiving people, learning always and promise to be happy!

I religiously follow these. I do not know if any of these are enough to lead a happy life, but I am leading one!

If you happen to read this article, do let me know what are your new year resolutions!!

Have a great year!


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