10 things that keeps a mom tired, always!

The woman who loves us unconditionally from birth, the one who puts her kids before herself and the one who you can always count on! We literally count on her for everything. That’s what makes a mom tired. Do we care? No! Not until we are a mother ourselves. Here I state 10 reasons why moms are always tired!

1.      Perfection – Right from the day the baby is born, a mom is born too! And we all instinctively have the urge to be perfect. To be the perfect mom! This takes a toll on not only our physical health, but our mental health too! We all love our kids; everyone is struggling to do their best, every single day. Let’s accept without any shame, no one is perfect. We are all learning, daily. As our kids grow, we grow as a mother too.

2.      Availability – In the urge to be perfect, we feel like we should be available for our child 24*7. But let’s bear in our minds that we are all humans. We cannot survive without rest, the nap! There is simply no harm in seeking help. We only need to ask!
3.      Ignoring ourselves - Quite in sync with the point earlier, we ignore ourselves. We go to the extent of sacrificing our food and sleep to be the mom! But in the process we make ourselves weak and sick. After all how can we think about another life if we cannot think about our own? No, let’s not try to be the great mothers. Allow ourselves to be humanly mommy!
4.      Depression – Every mother goes through phases of depression. Right after giving birth, toddlerhood, teens; whatever the age, moms fall in depression. But yes, there is nothing to be guilty about this. We sacrifice many things from our party lives, friends, family, even our bodies to have a kid. So it’s quite natural to feel pangs of depression, now and then. It’s fine. It’s absolutely appropriate.
5.      Over thinking – Well, we seriously cannot help this, isn’t it? We are all guilty of this at least once! We over think every case. Our kid sneeze and we think if she would be down with some illness soon! If he falls, is he having a fracture? Over thinking is quite a natural part of motherhood. Guilty!
6.      Blame – We blame ourselves every single time. Motherhood is the only job on earth wherein we blame ourselves! Our child falls, we were careless. Our child shoots back a reply, we didn’t teach her manners! This seriously needs to stop!
7.      Patience – Yes, we all might be guilty of this. We all wish we have patience to bear all the kid challenges. We need to be calm, polite, compassionate every single minute. But is it humanly possible? I personally do not think so. At some point of time we tend to snap. We are likely to yell, maybe being harsh too. And we have to accept, that’s how kids learn. They look up to us of course. But they learn to be human, from us too! So believe me, if we lose it once until and unless we are damaging our child in some way, it’s absolutely fine.

8.      Entertainment – Aah. This one is funny. We tend to provide our kids entertainment from day one. We make faces to make them laugh. We coo them in not our natural tone, to get her attention! This moves on to the phase wherein we play with them, read to them, offer food as they grow, etc etc. Does this entertaining ever end?
9.      Feeding – This one every mom faces at some point of time. Feeding issues. Some kids show feeding problems from day one. Some at other stages in their life. We the mothers, literally take the feeding on to our own hands. Let’s accept, no living being starves themselves! Kids eat if they are hungry.

10.   Comparisons – We start comparing ourselves to the other mommies nearby. We need to stop this. Every mom is fighting their own battle. Let’s just join hands and lift each other. Let’s not try to belittle each other.
Motherhood comprises not only of us and our kids, but the entire family, neighborhood and the social media too. It is just not the state or experience of having or raising a child. Motherhood is a journey to experience and enjoy.       


  1. very well written dear :-) being a mom I have experienced each and every word you mentioned.

    1. Thanks! :) All mommies have same problems! Your feedback keeps me going.


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