Pink is not just a color...

Girls - such a lovely creation of the Almighty! The rumors are that God created men and he realized that he can do much better. And hence he made women! Keeping the jokes behind, lets just concentrate on the fact that men or women, they are wonderful.

Women has always been considered the weaker section of the society. In the very early years, maybe the women used to be at home and men used to fight in the jungles and get food for the family. Who knows the reality? its only some very old scriptures which depict that. Okay lets ignore that part too.

In the modern era, men and women are working shoulder to shoulder. There ain't any field, be it science, astronomy, medical, engineering,  computers, nurse, hospitality, etc etc. where we do not find women. No job is now a men's job and nothing as such as women's. Men do share equal responsibilities in the household work these days. and women share their paycheck!

However time and again, women has been labelled, look down upon. If a women is promoted in a corporate, she is sleeping with her boss and hence the promotion! Not because of her efficiency! If a college going girl is talking with a neighbor, she is looking to get money from him. Hence she is not a "good girl".

What is a definition of a good women? And who are you and me to define? The women who earns a promotion at the office, its because she had been toiling hard at her projects. She must have out-shined the numerous men in the company. She must be intelligent. For a promotion at work, the last thing she would have done is sleeping with her boss! For heaven's sake lets just have our thoughts clear. Just because she is a women doesn't mean she has no brains! Or that she is just using her sexuality to get a hike! Is that how men has been getting their furtherance since ages?

Just because some one is friendly to the opposite gender doesn't imply that that person has low morals, be it a women or men. every person has got the brains to think and make decisions. lets just respect that. Respect - yes, that's what is missing in the modern era.

When a brother hits his sister for being late at home, he gets the support of his family. Is he correct? What if he is late? Can the sister slap him? This behavior is actually deep rooted. People generally have an air like "he is boy so he can do such and such a thing"! "She is a girl so she cannot do such and such a thing"! What is required is lets have some respect for each other. Be logical. if something is wrong, its wrong. what has gender got to do with it? Such kind of respect has to be taught in the family itself. later in life no one can really understand it!

The idea of life is very simple. Live and let live. Lets not complicate things over gender! Lets just accept, its easy living in the society where everyone is equal.


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