The Golden Jubilee - my 50th post

The title is funny, I know! But this is special for me. Writing the 50th post gives me an immense sense of joy and satisfaction!

Never really been a writer. When I started with this blog, I didn't imagine I would come this far. But blogging has given me wings. It's a source wherein I could jot down my feelings. I started off in that way. Whether someone reads my posts or not was not my concern. I just pen down.

One after the other, it just came in. I would feel a tremendous sense of relief after writing each post. Somewhere I have jotted down my frustrations, some has my recipes, some are pure feelings, some just calculated thoughts. This medium has given me a way to bring out what's deep rooted inside.

I never introspect as to what Grammar, antonyms, synonyms, verbs, etc  I use. All I care about is, whatever I scribble should reach the other heart, if at all someone is reading it! If none, then too I'm never disheartened. At least my feelings are out and I feel at ease.

Some topics touch my heart and hence I start inscribing about it. The Pathankot tragedy, my pregnancy, my place, the Uri attack and many such topics close to my heart. Hardly I write about anything which is of no significance to me.

Having completed my 50th seems like a Herculean task completed for a novice blogger. I do not know how far I could continue. As long as I have thoughts inside me, I would keep writing them here!

And, sincerely thankful, that even with whatever little knowledge I share, you accept me! You read my blogs. Thank you! 


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