The Gentleman's Game... Or is it?
Only on Saturday, we saw Team India defeating Team Pakistan in the league match of T20 Cricket World Cup 2016. And yesterday in yet another match, we saw Team New Zealand showing the doors to Pakistan! The point is not being the winner or the loser. We win some and lose some. But Cricket has always been known as a Gentleman's Game. But is it really so now? Didn't the captain, the very Captain of the Team Pakistan behaving in a "Not Very Gentleman's Way"! In the matches against both these teams, we saw The captain commenting on the crowd. Saying the crowd supporting them. Yes, why not Mr. Captain? It's not a big deal, really. We see crowd cheering. In every nation, there are always supporters of the opponent party too. So what? When India play South Africa in their land, we do have people in the crowd supporting India! So what? It's in the spirit of the game. Not in the political interest that the support is shown! Maybe people from Kashmir, Kolkata, T...