Pregnancy - the blessing - the end and the beginning!

Days passed. Some very good. Some off-mood! Some outcast bad!! I was terribly moody. I had mood swings. Months passed.

My spouse was there at my disposal always...he was my strength during the phase. I loved him always. Love him today but must mention, loved him more during those days!!

I used to Google everything. The funny part is when my hubby would be home from work, he would in fact ask me "How is Google?". LOL. Google as in the baby!!! And I would say Google is playing. Google is stubborn. Google is kicking, etc. etc. etc.

Soon I was in the eighth month. 2 weeks into it and here I was hospitalised! I had pain. Doctor thought baby would arrive sooner than anticipated. And we thought Google is on the way!

I was taken in for all the scans, to check the biometrics of the fetus. Meanwhile the doctor was chatting with my spouse. She was all full of praise for me. In fact she told "Priyanka is the most intelligent pregnant lady I have met till date!" To which my hubby replied "I know!"!!!! *Blush*

Okay so the point was "Is Google on the way?" No. Not so soon. After 18 hours in hospital, I was allowed to go home. I didn't have any pain then. And was told to come over only if pain increases!

Days again started to pass by. Almost 14 days later, 36 weeks and 3 days into the pregnancy I felt intense pain again. I was rushed to hospital.

Scans were done. Routine was complete. Doctor told we would wait till I dilate. The baby was in position. Oh did I mention, Google was in position since week 32!!
The cervix thins gradually towards the end of the pregnancy and starts to open up. This is dilation. The cervix could dilate upto 10 cms!
Meanwhile the pain started to increase and with that my nervousness! I was starting to get worried of "How much more?" Little did I contemplate at that time that the little one would also share my anxiety!

By chance, the doctor was passing by and she dropped in to check on me. She looked into the monitor. I could see some traces of alarm in her face. She immediately called out the nurses and told we would go for an emergency C-section.
A Cesarean section is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision into the mother's abdomen and uterus. Also known as C-Section.
I was like why? It seemed my anxiety made the lil one nervous too and the heartbeat of the fetal was haywire! Poor thing. Mamma is so sorry.

Tears welled down my cheeks. My doc, who over the months had become a good friend, tried to cheer me up. I still remember she told "You look good cheerful, not crying".

I was wheeled into the operation hall. I was made to sit on the table when the anesthetist gave me the anesthesia shot in my spine. I must mention here I was very worried that shot would hurt. But it didn't. It just felt like a prick.

The gyane asked the nurse to get my spouse. So he was with me, holding my left hand. And the anesthetist was holding my right hand. I could feel everything. No pain though. Still I could feel getting ripped open. I could feel the push and the pulls. The chest thrusts. The pulling of the baby.

Finally there she was. The doc hold her high for me to see. She was blue or black...patches of red blood here and there. I could hear the doc say "Look at your baby". And I responded as "Wow she is beautiful".

I was shivering like in the Antarctic. I even asked the anesthetist "Why am I shivering so much?" Slowly I got into a semi sleep state.

Beautiful she was. My mom later told me that she was the first privileged one to take a glimpse of her grandchild. It seems the nurse went outside and told "The granny gets to see the pink child first". :) Yeah, pink she was.

So all that we wished for was now a reality. Our "Google" was with us. Time flies. It's three years now. She is our lovely princess. Our blessing in disguise...


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