Axomia suwali - the Assamese ladies

Being born and brought up in a Axomia household, I have seen and followed the culture of Asom very much. Being born a girl and specially at the age when "Female feticide" was a hush in the air, I can proudly say "Yes, I was born in an Axomia household" and literally I thank God for it! Never in my family had I seen any one ill-treating me or for that matter shutting me up for being a girl! Never! I was always treated as a child. Whether girl or boy was not the issue in our household or for any other Axomia family, I knew off!

Some of the qualities of Axomia ladies is what I would jot down here.

1. Soft - spoken : typically Axomia ladies are soft-spoken. Sweet that our language is, our girls only make it sweeter!

2. Stylish : Indeed Axomia ladies have an sterling sense of style. They can carry off every piece of dress very well. Be it the traditional Mekhala-Sador or a casual Jeans and a T-shirt, they can carry it all. Graceful looks compliment them!
It's the same me in different attires!

3. Multi-talented : Axomia suwali doesn't only mean Bihu dance. You name it and you get it. Axomia suwali is multi talented. Be it dance, music, studies or household activities, our girls can excel at all.

4. Music inclination : Music is in the blood. Yes, be it the traditional Bihu dance, Satriya or Rock, the Axomia girls can be seen to be inclined to all sort of music! The gogona, pepa, dhol or even the guitar, can be seen played by Axomia ladies!
5. Shy : "laaz laaz laaz bhonti nokoriba amaloi laaz".
Typically Axomia girl would get flustered if you praise her! You compliment her beauty or ability, she would shy off.

6. Courage : Courage is part and parcel. Why, the great Joymoti Kuwori was an Axomia lady! Even in today's world, the Axomia girls are belittled and made fun of by some ignorant people of other parts of India. But they are brave. They have the courage to stand tall admist all thick and thin. And they shine. They shine out bright.

7. Beauty : Axomia ladies are generally beautiful. Even without makeup, you would not be disappointed to see them. They have the glowing skin, well-built structures, they stand as the epitome of natural beauty.

8. Gracious  : Axomia ladies are gracious by nature. These classy lady speaks with confidence and talks clearly enough for others to understand. They can express themselves well.

9. Confident : In general, you would find the Axomia ladies to be confident. They know their capabilities and they stand up with confidence.
A kid carrying her dress,with confidence

10.Honest and upfront : Axomia ladies are generally straight forward. They respect setting boundries and are upfront about it. Be it relationship or work, they are always honest. They clearly know when and where to pull the line.

Like it is said, being born a girl is luck. Being women is age. But being a lady is simply a matter of choice. And we choose to be ladies!


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