Stay-At-Home Mommy!

What does it mean to be a "Stay-At-home mommy"? No, really! Does it mean to the world that we are just sitting at home. Chilled out with beer in one hand and lying on the couch watching the useless " Desperate housewives"!? No no no no no. We are not! I wish that was true but seriously we have got lot more to it. Infact much more to it that, that 'it' part doesn't even exist! Alas!!

Let me just give you an idea of what a "Stay-At-Home Mommy" means to me. Oh, for the start let me tell you, I too am a Stay-At-Home Mom!! Forget the pleasure of beer or even sofa, I consider myself lucky if I get even a couple of minutes alone in the loo! And, Im not joking. I literally mean it.

Even while writing these couple of paragraphs, I am having to struggle with sitting for a couple of minutes to working while typing! No, I know I am not a bad mom. I have a toddler who no doubts wants my hundred percent attention and I do give it to her. But does that mean I have lost my identity? I suppose not!!

For me the day starts with my kid. I almost always wake up to the little kicks from my kiddo. If I am lucky I do not get hit on the face!! Then the regular routine of maid, self cooking and all, starts. Once the toddler is awake, I sing her "Good morning", lift her up, hug her tight, ask her about her night. Now, if she is in a good mood, that should be enough. If she is off-mood, then I have to keep carrying her around till the time the little one is fine!!

Once hubby leaves for office means me and my child are all alone to deal with the day. And do I get even a single minute to myself? The answer is obvious...No!! Be it playing beauty parlour or panditjee or kitchen set or anything else wih the little one or trying to feed her, I am all busy with her! Not to mention, the little puppy that we have!

So basically I have to wait for her to get her afternoon nap to even go to the toilet! So leave alone any beauty therapy or some rest. All dependent on the two and half year old. How much that little soul rules my life!!! No, I am not complaining! I am just writing this to let those people know how busy we, the "Stay-At-Home Mom" typically are! This comes out as an attempt to let them know that I am basically not enjoying a party time. I am working, working real hard. I am busy nourishing my child. Giving her the time and affection. And, no you won't understand only if you do not want to. Else otherwise, its always easy to relate, I am sure!!


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