Winter mornings!

Well winters in Gurgaon is really bad. And after being in Bangalore for some 8 long years, I am really finding it difficult here. The morning is no different from the day here! Fog, fog and more fog!!

To start off, I was really happy to have shifted here. I used to enjoy the sunset. The  herd of sheep and buffalos passing by the nearby fields used to give me the feeling of nature. I could see the Aravali at a distance which only made me reminiscent of my days spent in Tezpur University.

But soon reality stuck. Winters started and I soon found myself getting sick day by day. Not used to the cold, I did't bother wearing a jacket at first. I thought it was pleasant. Though, not really! To my utter dismay, my temperature was rising and my nose was getting stuffed. Now, I was beginning to feel how much I indeed missed Bangalore!
Waking up in the morning was starting to be a torture, day by day. As I removed the curtains and looked out, I really couldn't make out what I was exactly looking at. Was it my eyes? Or was the fog so dense that I could hardly see anything? I turned to look at the wall clock, just to check if my eyes were right! And yes, I could see the time. It was 6.10 in the morning. So yes, my eyes were not giving way! It was indeed the weather which had gone cold. The visibility was zero.

Another scary thought then struck me real hard. Was the maid turning up today? With the temperature dipping, would she be in a mood to work!! I thought its better I take some more nap before I feel its really time to kick off the day worrying! So yes, I again lay down by my toddler. Though I wanted to get some sleep. The winter beds are always cozy! But the very thought that the maid might not turn up was enough to keep me wide awake. I kept on checking the time every 10 - 15 minutes. I kept looking outside to check if it looked good. But to my utter dismay, visiblility was still zero!

I woke up to the door-bell. I dont know when I finally fell asleep. I rushed to check if it was my maid. And yes, there she was. I was so happy to see her. I could imagine how difficult it must had been for her to be working at such temperatures. I thanked God.

The day was not better. There was no traces of sunlight. It was foggy for the whole day. Though the visibility had been better from the 9th floor. Not sure how it must had been for the people driving! 

Bangalore must have never seen such crazy temperature. But sure enough, Gurgaon get's really cold in winter. And for someone to get used to these fluctuations in temperatures, specially for someone moving from Bangalore, its very difficult. But, humans as we are, we adapt. And so thats what I am doing too. Let's see how well I am able to.....


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