
Burns are something inevitable, whether in kitchen, during play or just plain accident! Cannot really avoid these smaller burns. As common it seems so are the ways to treat it.  Here I state 10 ways to treat a burn immediately and hence avoid blisters.

1. Water - cool it under running tap water. Though never apply ice to burns. Water would cool the burning sensation.

2. Wheat flour - yes, you read it right. It does have a cooling effect. And easily available in the kitchen. Smaller burns in hands, fingers etc, just put your hand inside the wheat flour tin!

3. Coconut oil - Age old medicine, Coconut oil has healing properties. It not only offers a cooling effect, but also speeds up the recovery process. It also helps remove the scars!

4. Camphor - heat a little bit of coconut oil in a spoon and add a pinch of camphor. Apply this when cool to the burn site. This helps in the healing process.

5. Toothpaste - commonly available in all households, toothpaste has amazing cooling effects on the burns. Not the gel based ones though!

6. Potato - Again another easily available thing, raw potato can be used to treat minor skin burns. Potato has anti-irritation and sooting effect on the skin. Just cut a slice and apply it to the burn. Keep it on for some time.

7. Honey - honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which helps disinfect burns and heals it faster.
8. Onion - Onion juice can relieve pain, help heal the burn and reduce the chance of blistering. Though it can be little painful applying it.

9. Milk - Easily available in the kitchen, Milk also has the properties to soothe the burn and fastens the healing. Apply few tablespoons of cold milk over the burn.

10. Yogurt - in similar lines to Milk, yogurt can also be applied to smaller burns. Its cooling effect eases the burning sensation and provides immense relief. Though apply it after sometime.

Hope these helps! In any case, prevention is better than cure. So keep safe and have a great day!


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