And, again...

Another death in the name of shame. This is in regards to the Varanasi gang-rape case that shook the small city yesterday.
Image Courtesy: Google
A small village in Mirzapur district saw a women win the Panchayat polls. And the ultimate result is the daughter of this winning lady, who studies in class eleven was brutally raped by two of the mother's rivals. Really? What sense does this even make?

A class eleven student, maybe just 16 or 17 years old and raped? How can somone be so inhuman? Does the poll defeats mean so much of honour to you that the little girl's honour was nothing? Did you not feel a pinch of shame?

And as the news says, police inaction led to the little one commiting suicide. Obviously, the torture she must have felt. The filthiness, the guilt, the shame all must have forced her to take this extreme step. Though she is not to be blamed, but would the society not blame her. Would questions not arise on her character even years after? Would she not be shamed everywhere she goes just like in the very police station where she must have gone to lodge a complaint?

Oh yes, the police. Ain't you the one's who take pledge to safeguard the people? Aint it your responsibility to protect the weak. Atleast, wasn't it your duty to register an fir?

Sad indeed. One life lost. And the culprits are alive. Such is the pathetic condition here. Rape is beginning to become a pleasure punishment! No one fears the consequences because the law is weak. The police department is inadequate. The law is sold and bought. Only future would say how many more such innocent deaths.


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