Pregnancy - the blessing continued...

So we were pregnant. The blood test report confirmed it. Next thing, go to the gynae again! We took an appointment and there we were at the chamber of the gynaecologist.

Well, she wasn't impressed with the blood report. She had her own doubts! Now, she was worried if it was an  ectopic pregnancy! Holy! Ectopic? What's even that? So she drew a rough diagram and showed it to us what it could mean. To tell you the truth, we were traumatised...
Ectopic pregnancy is the types where the fetus develops typically in the fallopian tubes. And hence not in the womb. As such the pregnancy needs to be immediately aborted since the baby would not grow and endanger the mother's life.
Next, a scan of course. It was scheduled for the next day. Meanwhile at home, could we sleep? Naah. Neither of us. I googled and googled. We cried. I was forced to ask "Why us?" :(

Anyways, next day brought us relief. The Scan was done. All was well. No ectopic nothing. It was a little something growing in my uterus. Our little baby was growing!!! How elated and relieved we were, do I even need to mention it here?

Things started to get fine. Until one fine day when my father-in-law was in town to meet us. We went for a small ride along with him. While returning, it was dark. My hubby didn't see the big ditch on the road and there our car went into it. It was a big jerk. As a result, next day I spotted! :'(

Another drama unfolded. Crying and more. Fights too. Stressful situations. First time pregnancy all took a toll on us.

A low lying placenta is a medical condition and considered a pregnancy complication where the placenta which feeds the growing baby is attached to the lower part of the womb! It's medically referred to as "Placenta Praevia". The complication depends on whether the placenta is slightly near the cervix, or exactly over and covering the cervix. That's my knowledge.

Again a scan followed. It confirmed the little one was lying very low, a low lying placenta this time. The doc specifically mentioned "No guests!". Hmmm

The doctor assured as the pregnancy progresses the placenta would move up with the growing tummy! And she was right. But that's a later on story. :)

Now my googling shifted to "low lying placenta"! Research after research, hours and hours of googling some with positive results some not so pleasing. But we kept our faith going. We stayed positive...


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