Josephians 1998 Tezpur

This topic struck me just now as I was chatting in our Whatsapp group. I am sure you all remember each and every point of these... Check'm... 1. Assembly march past sickness - Yes, we all must have made an excuse at some point of time to avoid the march past post assembly. I can see many hands raising!! 2. Sister Superior double spectacles - Do I need to even explain this? Weren't we all amused by how Sister Superior would wear her sunglasses on her head and her power glasses on her eyes, all at the same time!! 3. Zero period - How can we even miss this?! The zero period before any event in school was more of an excitement. All would just wait for the last period. 4. Acting teacher - Didn't get the correct word. But I am sure you remember how the seniors were sent to the junior classes during some Teacher's meeting or celebrations! Surely fun for both the seniors and to some extent, the juniors!! 5. Class VI - Remember the class adjacent to the toil...