Josephians 1998 Tezpur

This topic struck me just now as I was chatting in our Whatsapp group. I am sure you all remember each and every point of these... Check'm...

1. Assembly march past sickness - Yes, we all must have made an excuse at some point of time to avoid the march past post assembly. I can see many hands raising!!

2. Sister Superior double spectacles - Do I need to even explain this? Weren't we all amused by how Sister Superior would wear her sunglasses on her head and her power glasses on her eyes, all at the same time!!

3. Zero period - How can we even miss this?! The zero period before any event in school was more of an excitement. All would just wait for the last period.

4. Acting teacher - Didn't get the correct word. But I am sure you remember how the seniors were sent to the junior classes during some Teacher's meeting or celebrations! Surely fun for both the seniors and to some extent, the juniors!!

5. Class VI - Remember the class adjacent to the toilets? Man, such disgusting odour at all times of the day. Yaakk.

6. Assamese section - How many of remember us trying to sneak into the Assamese section in the basement? To us it was so much fun!!! Or even staring at them from the overhead bridge, just like some kids enjoying a view in the Zoo! Seriously, it was pathetic.

7. The PT period - Aah. We can not forget this. The PT teacher forcing the exercises on us and most of us just doing it for the sake! Some or the other would definitely have a tummy ache or a fever, or should I say  a PT class fever!! Lol

8. The Computer Sir - Does anyone happen to remember the Computer teacher? The only male teacher in our school? Poor thing - he must had been so very tortured for the right or the wrong reasons!!!

9. Dress and Nails check - Uuf. Seriously, this was disgusting. I mean obviously we need to maintain personal hygiene. But specifically holding out our hands to show that "Okay, I have neat hands!" was just too much.

10. Bandana!! - Surely we all know why her name is in the list! First always!!! How we all wanted to beat her! Rat race it was. I am sure most of us are now doing better off even after not being the topper in class!

This blog is purely for fun... For the Josephians passed out 1998! We rock!


  1. Absolutely fantastic pri! Very well explained

  2. Thanks dear! How we all remember all the points!! :)

  3. can we forget our school days...awesome


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