Lost my best friend to time....

One fine day we are born to someone whom we call parents. Relationship gets forced on us ever since. He is your brother, she is your sister. Cousin, aunty, uncle, granny, etc. As we grow up we realise we do not gel well with some of the relatives we have. We certainly prefer some over the others. However we cannot just give them up, since we share a blood bond!

Through the perplexing journey called life, God gives us the previlidge to select other human being who we like, with whom we get along well! And those lovely ones, are called friends!!

Friends! They are such amazing people. They make us laugh, they cry with us, give us a slap when we are crap. They encourage us, and get down on knees to pick us up. They attend our call at 2am! Some who pick us up from a bus stand! They tend to laugh at the same stupid jokes we crack! Somehow we share a chemistry which doesn't exist with anyone else! A relationship where we have the same level of maturity and craziness!

I was lucky to have met some very interesting people throughout my life and one amongst them in particular, with whom I had done many things. We were naughty, where we could jump in a rikshaw to pluck mangoes. And we could be empathetic at the same level to observe a child alone in a market place, worry about her and take her to her home! We have done it all together. Be it trying to find  our crush's residence! Or giving them crank calls. We have done it all.

We fought for each other. We stood by each other just like walls! We compelled each other to be strong. Did we ever let any misunderstanding come between us? No, we knew each other well. We had been each other's strength and weakness. We have fought obviously. And we patched up. We have cried together and laughed. We picked on guys, the same guys! We could never imagine not hanging out together whenever we could. Together we were "us". Now it's you and me.

Alas, we are no more together. Somehow we are actually so distant that we might not even have each other's number now. Have we really become so distant? Are we proud? Are we having a false ego? Or are we plain busy?

I do not understand. I fail to understand why we have moved so apart. How in a years time we drifted so apart that it's now a routine to live without each other. How?

Where have we failed? Was our relationship so weak? We used to be so glued. I could never imagine being a failure in our friendship.

It hurts me and hence I am just jotting down my thoughts here. I know you would never read this. But I hope one day my thoughts reach you.

If you need me, I am just a call away. You are one friend, I never want to give up on.

Love you always! 


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