What is in a girl child?

The creator made every living being of two genders - female and male. It's believed he created men first. Then he thought he could definitely do better and then the product was a women! So if we are to believe the old sayings  then when God wanted to prove his acme, he made women!

When the creator took pride after making women, then why not the humans? In the ancient age, when men used to go hunting and women used to stay at home and cook food and take care of the family, even then men used to worship and honor the lady of the house. As time passed, men grew arrogant and started having the feeling of their superiority over women! Then came the age when they started torturing and beating women, keeping them confined at home etc etc.

In India however, women had been worshipped since time immemorial. The ancients scriptures and even architecture speaks volumes of how the women had always been valued and worshipped here. No doubts of the 33 crore God's and goddess that India have, the number of female goddesses is huge!

The very demarcation between a boy and a girl child had not been there in the early years of humanity, more so in India. The birth of a girl was equally important as that of a boy. However as time passed, women were started to be looked upon as the weaker section. Men started thinking of having to take care of the women. With that came in the male ego! The urge to always maintain their cachet.

Slowly to maintain the snob value, men started atrocities on women. This continued and only increased in the time that followed. This reached a peak when the seed started to germinate in the human minds that a girl child is a disgrace to the family, a burden and hence needed to be eliminated at it's very bud! Pathetic mentality lead to poignant results. People started aborting the girl child.

Over the years, with the advancement of science and technology, the girls faced more agony. They beared the burnt. Abortions, killings, live dumping etc etc, the female fetus had seen it all.

Not only the fetus, the women who give birth to girl child are no less tortured. Plus the emotional trauma they face when the child is aborted or killed. The pain in excruciating.

As statistics do the talking - As compared to the 1991 census figures of 947 female every 1000 boys, the number in 2001 saw a decline. The  numbers were staggering at 927  every 1000 boys! As the literacy rate increase, the women foeticide increases? Desolate!

Apart from this, we have rapes. Domestic violence physical and emotional abuse. Women are tortured in all forms, shapes, and sizes. The number of cases reported are staggering and a shame to the literate society! But no one bothers

But why the difference? Is a girl child any different from a boy? What is the exceptional qualities that a boy have? Any additional talent. The answer is no. They are all the same. Born with the same level of intellectual and physical properties. Differences creep in only in the minds of the so called experienced human beings around the new born. Alas, the educated chunk of the society are no less.

However let me just remind everyone that women are no less. They are taking much better care of their parents even after their marriage, much better than their own brothers! Women have invaded the outer space as much as they are prominent in the space within the earth! They are gracing the home as well the offices. They are skilled, apogee at whatever they lay their hands on. Intellectual wise, they are leaving their male counterparts way behind! So let's just end this  feckless thinking that women are a burden. They are not! Let's just live in peace as the creator made it. No one is high or a low. Everyone is equal.


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