Puri - the land of the Lord!

2006 was the year when I visited Puri. My aunt had some official tour and she asked if we, me and my mom wanted to join in. My mom and me had always been ardent believers of the Lord Jagannath. And we invariably wanted to visit that place and see him with our own eyes. And when we saw the opportunity, we didn't wanted to let it go! Bags packed, off we went for a Odisha tour.

The Eastern India state of Odisha is the proud host of the Lord Jagannath. The small City of Puri being here. Puri is around 60 kms to the South of Bhubaneshwar, the capital of Odisha and laid strategically by the Bay of Bengal!

Puri known as "Shrikhetra" locally and the very majestic "Jagannath Temple" is called as "Badadeula", meaning the biggest home! Around 80% of the economy of the town comes in from the religious activities devoted to the lord himself. Jagannath temple observes some 24 festivals! 12 months and 24 festivals - typical Indian Society, what say? The sublime festival of "Rath Yatra" observed in the month of June, attracts devotees from far and wide. This festival sees its description in the Puranas and Kapila Samhita too! Celebrated with full gaiety, starting on the second day in the bright fortnight of the "Ahin" (Ashadha as they call it in the local language) month, this grand festival commemorates the lords annual visit to their aunt's place and the Gundicha Temple.

Rath Yatra gets the name as three Rath or chariots are constructed every year to take the lords for a ride. The chariots have different colors - typically Yellow and Red for the Lord Jagannath and is known as the Nandighosha, green and red for the lord Balabhadra and is known as Taladhwaja and Red and black for Maa Subhadra and is known as Devadalana.

Now that I have given a brief of Puri, let me continue with the trip. We left Guwahati in train. It was my first time travel with a group. And at the first onset, it appeared to be fun. I thought I would get to know many people and also see places. However, its not always what we think it is! Travelling with such a huge group is very very tedious. Everyone has their own mind and they hardly meet at a point! The train journey was smooth and slow, as expected in India!

Our first stop was in Cuttack. The group stayed in Baramati stadium. However, we being the cleanliness freaks, couldn't stay there. We opted for a better hotel instead. Quick stay with some visit to tourist places. We moved by bus to Bhubaneshwar and then to Puri! Our accommodation was at a priest's house. In Puri, the best places to stay are these houses of the priests! They are very kind, accommodating and must say, gentle and hospitable. Since we reached sometime in the evening, they served us the most tasty "Maha prasad". The taste is heavenly!

The belief is that Maha prasad should never be wasted. If its on your plate, you got to eat it. Obviously, how can you imagine to throw away something which comes directly from the lord's kitchen? No, mortals like us cannot! So me, even though I felt completely full and having the feeling that my stomach would just explode if I take even one morsel more, I managed to finish it! maybe the lord wanted it that way!

If the scriptures are to be believed, a huge log came floating into the bank of Puri and the very first statues of the God's were made using these humongous reddish and fragrant log! This log, it's seems had the signs of Sankha (conch), Chakra (wheel), Gada (cudgel) and Padma (lotus). During those days King Indradyumna was the ruler and it was his desire to see the Nila Madhava, as described by King of Savara, Vidyapati.

But Nila Madhava had other plans for King Indradyumna. He didn't wanted to give his blue vision to the king. It was then that Narada brought the message that he would appear as Log and be made into the four worship-able idols of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, Maa Subhadra and the Sudarshan Chakra.

The great Vishwakarma, the God of Architecture, himself appeared and started working on this log and make idols of the deities. However, he wished not to be disturbed when he is getting his work done. The queen of the kingdom, became worried after some days because he didn't open the doors even for food or nature's call. So she ordered the doors of the room to be open. And with that Vishwakarma vanished. And there only lay the incomplete idols. Hence as it is seen, the idols of the Lords here do not have complete hands and legs.

Another fact associated with the temple and the idols is that not everyone can see them. The priests at the door would always ask the pilgrims what they saw. There had been instances of people seeing pumpkin or other such things instead of the idols. The greatness of the Lord is such that he knows what's in ones heart and shows them exactly that!

Luckily for me, I was the first one in our group to see him! And believe me, I literally jumped out in joy! Another fact that I think I should mention is, I saw the idols to be the size of a three year old kid! I am not sure why. But I believe this is because one of my aunt who had earlier visited this temple got little scared when she first saw the idol of the Lord. When I was there, I had these thoughts that maybe I would also be scared. Hence maybe, God showed me in a form that I would not be afraid of! It's only God who can do such acts! Else otherwise everyone knows that main idols are taller than the normal height of a human being!

One other important thing is anyone who is lucky to be on the chariot during the Rath Yatra, is said to be free from the pain of rebirths! Though there is no way to confirm this, but in God we believe! It's also said that he once stood still in the doorway, while coming out for the annual Rath Yatra. No amount of chanting of prayers could move him. He stood still till one of his devotee could reach the place and take a glimpse of him. It is that devotee who got late due to some reason and all throughout his journey, he only had one thing in mind and that was maybe he won't be able to see the lord that year. So the lord waited!

These and many other reasons, gives him the most appropriate name "Jagannath", he who rules the world. He who knows what's in anyone's heart. He would runs the world! Jai Baba Jagannath!

The sea washing the feet of the Lord here and the four huge doors leading to the temple, are attractions not to be missed in Puri. The people here are very simple and loving. Mostly their lives revolve around Lord Jagannath. He is family for everyone there. Obviously they are blessed that the Lord himself resides there making it one important Hindu Dham!


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