We are all one

Religion - the belief in and the worship of some supernatural force which guides and controls the universe. With an outstanding 10,000 different religions in the world, but faith is mostly divided into four different and distinct religions! Around 84% of the worlds population is estimated to follow one of the four religions namely - Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.

What is religion teaching anyways? Religion is just a set of beliefs. The supposition that some force exist; some super natural power that rules the world. Whenever in doubt, pray! How does prayers work? Are the 10,000 religions all teaching something different to all? Is it really the religion that saving the world? What about the atheists then?

15.35% of the population are atheists! They are nonreligious kind of people. They do not believe in any other power to take care of them but themselves! So are these people not alive? Are these people lesser human?

I was born a Hindu. And I believe in Ganpati. However, never in my life have I looked down upon any religion. Thanks to my upbringings - my parents never restricted me when I bowed my head in front of a mosque or prayed in a church! My grandfather had revolutionary thoughts too. He was a person who didn't believe in the worship of an image. He had immense trust in humanity. However, all through his life he never belittled anyone who worshiped in a temple or a mosque, or any religious institution. In fact my granny was an ardent Hindu. She used to attend festivals and pray religiously. My grandpa never stopped my granny. He help build religious communities in our place called Namghar, places where you can go and chant the unseen's name.

My grandpa changed his surname to "Das" from "Thakuria". Thakuria which means he was the landlord of the place and ruled it. And Das mean someone who offers service to the landlords. His thought process was way different. All he believed was in humanity. Its his thoughts that a persons surname, his religion, his caste; they don't describe a person. And I understand and completely agree to his thoughts.

Religion is humanity to me. I cannot agree with any religious beliefs which distinguish between people. I cannot follow any religion where we are taught to look down upon some other people. All religions, all of the 10,000, they preach humanity. Humanity is simple.  Just have little empathy. Just have little concern for the people around and try and understand their proposition. Obviously its not difficult.

In today's world, people have more empathy for the other living beings but not for humans? If a dog and a human are both lying on the ground, waiting for death, someone or the other would definitely pick up the dog and rush to a vet! How about the human? Do we just leave him to die? Yes, we do. there are many reason. Some might not help because he is a lower caste, some because he is from a different religion, some because he has a different skin tone and some because, just because we lack empathy! Sick, depressing, ridiculous.

We really do not need religion to be human. We are born human and need to just use our hearts to relate to the other humans. How can anything else, any other thought even pass our minds when another human is in need? Helping someone in need is more important that commiseration! What is the use of attending someones funeral and uttering words of sympathy? Be there when the person is alive. Be more vocal. Express feelings. Express love. Lend a hand to the depressed and pull them out from the ditch they are falling trap! Help a blind person cross the road. Don't have a child, adopt one. There are so many in the orphanages.

For once can we think of ourselves as equal. And help the seed of humanity germinate in every soul? Let's grow the plant of humanity. Lets not bring religion or caste, creed, color, in between. We are all the same. Lets be all one!

Long live humanity!


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