Prank call, is it?

Just couple of weeks earlier we got our broadband installed and with that a new landline phone which we have given entirely to our beloved daughter! And ever since we have been getting prank calls every single day!

Our days start of as usual, and then comes over our flood of calls from literally the same person, every single day! Since we have handed over our landline to our daughter so everytime it rings, she picks it up. We do not bother much because only three people have the number, as per our understanding. And those three people are me, my spouse and my mother. So we never thought of any pranksters! More so, since my daughter is just 4! Obviously no one would be giving her missed calls. She is way to young to be having boys calling her up!!

So every time the phone rings I take it casually and let her pick it up. Definitely I expect the call to be from my mom or my hubby dear! But things took a ugly turn when a prankster entered the scene.

It all began with one call one fine day. Kiddo picked it up. She didn't understand who called so hang up. Immediately after it rang again, she ran back to pick it up. And again, she hang up. Observing her disappointed, I asked who it was. She replied "I don't know, mommy".

And then it rang again. This time the sweet little kiddo ran again to pick it up but I asked her if I could take it. She told "Ok!". So I picked up. I realized it was someone who probably had a wrong number so I told him so. And hung up.

But the prank master didn't feel like giving up. Infact the game seemed to just began for him. He would continue his routine everyday. No day would end without four or five calls from him.

By a fortnight, we all were satisfied that he was just enjoying his prank and was intentionally doing it everyday. So yesterday I decided it was enough. He gave a call. First time my kid picked it up. As usual she hung up. Next time it rang, I told my kid "Let me give him a dose back today". My kid was little confused but she let me pick up the phone.

 I picked up the phone and said "Hello". To this the fellow at the other end, the same fellow of course, started with his usual spoof. And next, I very confidently started speaking in my native language "Assamese"!

The gagman was taken aback. He wasn't prepared for any language other than what he expected. For some time he kept listening to what I was saying and then he for the first time, spoke in Hindi! Wow, this guy understands Hindi. Since all the days he was tricking us, he always enjoyed the fact that we couldn't understand what he was saying.

But I didn't move. I kept talking in Assamese. And for the first time since this whole episode started, I was enjoying this idiotic call! It was fun being the rogue myself and putting the devil at the receiving end!

After some time, the gagster was at loss of words and all he could say was "ki ki ki ki ki". And he hang up! The sense of victory and gelastic for sure, that I felt cannot be explained in words.

But the super prankster couldn't keep away for long. He dared to call again. And again, I started my talks in my language. This time, he sounded frustrated and even started to use cuss words. But I didn't budge. I calmly kept talking and he hang up again.

After those two episodes, he have not called again. I assume he got his dose back. But what is more important in all this was, none of us ever used any foul language on him even though he had been harassing us. He had been using his language, and still we had been composed and tolerant. But the moment I used my language, he insulted my language and even used foul language. Why so? Why such intolerance? What makes you think your language is superior to mine? What makes you believe I need keep listening​ to whatever you say in your language and be polite with you?

This episode just shows that people are intolerant when it's some other language. Some language other than the one they speak. But why so? Seriously I cannot understand. And even if you do not understand what is being told, at least have the decency to not make fun off and not use any words which are demeaning. After all, you get respect only when you give it out.

As of that idiot, I do not expect him to call again. But seriously if he does, this time I would complain the matter to the police. Cannot take such tricksters lightly always. It's better to be safe.


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