The land of Raas - Mathura and Vrindavan

"Yamuna ke tat par
Nachita kanhaiya
Tat trum thaiya
Bajita payeliya
Ta thaiya ta thaiya"

And Yamuna par it is. Mathura - the sacred city and the birth place of Lord Krishna. Mathura lies on the banks of the river Yamuna. The place has some 22 ghats of which Vishram ghat being considered the holiest.

As a little girl, I grew up to stories of Mathura and Vrindavan. My maternal granny was a devotee and had visited these places long back. She had all fortales to tell us. And me, being the Theist that​ that I'm, fell in love with these places even before I could actually visit them.

My granny used to tell me how Sri Krishna still roams around the place and keeps a watch on the people. I still remember her story of when a little boy visited a sweet shop. It seems he took some sweets and when the shop keeper asked for money, he handed over a gold bangle.

The next day the news spread that someone has stolen a bangle belonging to the Sri Krishna idol in the main temple. When this news reached the sweet shop keeper. He got suspicious. He took the bangle the little boy had given him earlier and went to the priest. The head priest confirmed that it's the same bangle. How? How could the bangle be with the small boy? Belief is that the small kid is no other than the great Sri Krishna himself!! Wow! Fascinating.

There are also other tales like the Nidhiban. The place is covered in not very tall trees. Believes are that these trees are the gopis. Sri Krishna and Radha, along with the gopis dance in Nidhi Van after sunset. This dance, or Raas Leela as it is called, continues through out the night. When they become tired, they retire at the  place called Rang Mahal, within the premises. Rang Mahal has a bed which is always perfectly laid and all cosmetic items and mirrors. It also has bangles and bindi. Every day the pandit would keep these things there and next morning he would find the whole place scattered with the things and the bed, as if someone slept there. How is it possible every single night? Are the Lords still there?

Another interesting observation is that no one can see what is happening in Nidhi Van during the night. Post sunset no one is allowed inside the premises. It seems anyone who dared to go there after sunset either met with death or went mad! Isn't it beguiling?

How many of us actually knew that anyone who takes the name of Krishna without Radhe is committing a sin! Hence the name Sri Krishna. Sri refers to Radhe Maa.

As a kid, I used to be captivated. So when I got a chance to be there myself, I was over excited! The journey was quick one, the roads leading from Gurgaon to Mathura through the Expressway is a slice of cake.

We reached in the late morning and by that time the temple premises was closed. We waited. Later when the doors of the main sanctum was open, the idol of Sri Krishna and Radha Maa was so enticing. It completely took over me. Later we shopped around the small stalls around the temple. Finally we went to the Nidhi Van.

The sand was so smooth and clean like it's just been laid. The trees, they were way different from what we could see in other places. The branches intertwined as though holding hands. The height, like it's some human being, not very tall nor short.

As we moved through the trees, I was captivated by the garden. I could imagine myself to be one amongst them. The tales my granny told maybe had too much effect on my thoughts! I loved the place. Then we saw the Rang Mahal. O God, such an enrapturing feeling.

The priests had earlier told us to be aware of the monkeys. The number of monkeys there was humongous. One little one jumped by and snatched my brother's spectacles!!! Funny smart monkeys!

Then we slowly started towards the return journey after have a sumptuous lunch. Although the journey was short and the stay was shorter, but the impression it left on my mind's is for ever. The Nidhi Van and Mathura had itched a place in my memory for never to be forgotten. I am charmed for ever. Even today when I think of that place, I cannot but wonder if Lord would still be dancing tonight? If Radha Maa would still be applying shringar and getting ready for the Raas! Unanswered questions are many. Maybe that's what is more fascinating about that place. Hence some questions are better that way...

Jor se bolo Radhe Radhe


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