I neglected myself - The conclusion

Well, so now I'm sitting here on our living room couch and watching a movie. How thankful I'm that I'm still with my family members. Thankful that I was discharged from the hospital and deemed not serious any more!

Rewind 10 days. One Saturday, we wanted to go swimming. We were all so obsessed with the new earned interest that we didnt  care that we just had had lunch! After around mere half an hour, we were in the pool. Playing and swimming, enjoying the family time. The dip in the cold pool water, splashing water on each other, giggles and laughter, stretching and dipping, fun it was for us.
All of a sudden i felt some pain in my left chest. I assumed it was because of swimming after lunch. I just chilled by the side of the pool. When i felt better, i swam couple of lengths again. But then I realized something was not right. So I just walked out.

Assuming it was out of indigestion i took some medicines and thought it would dissipate on its own. However it was not to be so! A day or two it would be dormant, making me believe it was actually belching. But then it would return with a slight movement. I started to google. I couldn't find the exact details anyway. My pain was peculiar. Some times it felt like gas. But then again, the intense pain i used to fell when I turned while sleeping or while lifting my hand to get something which is on top of the fridge. The pinching feeling, the tenderness; no synonym to explain.

This continued on and off all throughout these days. On the 8th day, my kid kicked me on my left chest while she was sleeping. I felt acute pain. However I rubbed the place and turned on the left side and slept again. Post that I started experiencing pain a bit more towards the heart!

My bad, the very next day, the kids were playing cricket while I took my child to the park. Once the ball came over the fence and hit my left hand real bad. I in fact lost my composure and looked at them and sternly asked them to be more careful, considering there were toddlers playing around. If the ball could pain me that much how much would it hurt if it had hit any of the toddlers! The imagination made me shiver.

The next day, I was feeling very uneasy. My chest pain was now sort of constant and the pain started radiating to my back and slowly to my left arm. The arm started feeling very heavy. I googled and somewhere felt, I could be actually having a heart attack! Thank God, it didn't take me down and I waited for my spouse to be back from office. Once he was home, we took a tour to the hospital. The doctor there was of the opinion that "Women do not have heart attacks". I do not know how that generalization. Nevertheless, he did ask me to get an ECG done.

That hospital unit didn't have a female nurse to get the ECG done so we had to move to another hospital. Looking for hospital at 11 pm was quite a task! Finally we saw a maternity hospital and we thought "Lets take a chance". I ran inside and asked if an ECG could be done.

"ECG can be done madam but there would be no doctor now to look into the report!"

I said fine!

So there I was lying on the emergency bed. I was made to change my dress and slowly my tension was starting to build. They got the ECG machine and started fitting the equipment onto my legs, hands and chest! I must mention, my BP must have shot that time!!!

Done. The pulled out a report.

"Am I having a heartattack?"

"Yes, sure you do!"

"Its all normal madam! Don't worry you are fine!"

The word normal was like a music to the ears! We drived back home and I took some medicines that the doctor had prescribed.

Next day was just like any other day. I religiously took my medicines though. Post dinner, I popped in a medicine and that was it. My body started itching, itching real bad. I started developing hives like symptoms. My spouse was immediate to react. And off we went to hospital again.

11 pm: On hospital bed, fitted with all machines to monitor my heart and pulse and one nurse needling me on my right hand and another taking my pressure! I almost fainted!

The doctor arrived with series of questions, which my spouse answered. She tried to relax me. She checked my body for the itchiness. I had it all over and even inside my mouth. I think that was something that bothered her. I was also having funny feelings in my stomach. By that time I was more tired and sleepy than scared! The shot that I was given ensures drowsiness and hence I was sort of not able to keep my eyes open. The doctor felt the pressure could drop and hence she had asked the nurse to keep monitoring my BP.

I was asked to be given a unit of saline. When they were about to fit it, I had an urgent need to pee! The doctor asked the nurse to go along with me.

There's no need, I can manage.

You might fall!

She asked the nurse if she would be able to handle me. The nurse smiled or whatever, I didn't care!

The numbers in the monitor kept fluctuating.

I remember on and off, I opened my eyes and saw my four year old smiling at me and kissing me. She was obviously nervous, but trying to be brave. I could see my spouse was tensed. But I was too drowsy to speak. Finally the ordeal ended at around 2.30 pm. My BP appeared normal almost and I was sort of awake and talking so they discharged me.

Back home,  we all fell asleep immediately. The next day though my hubby didn't let me do any work. All he wanted me to do was, rest. And today, thank fully, I am much better. Still on medicines and having the need to blog!

Might be just gas, or maybe medicine reaction, whatever it was its over I guess. All I have learnt from this episode was, never take your health for granted. And if you feel something not right, go to the hospital. They can save! Timely action can prove the difference between life and death.

Somewhere deep inside me, I fought the  fears of not being able to see my mom and brother again. I feared I would not be able to hold my child again and never hug my  spouse. The fears, the human attachment fears. And tears fill my eyes as I write this. Thank God I'm recovering. Wishing everone good health! Please take care....


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