Top Ten Qualities of a Leader

A leader is a person who leads a group, organization, or country. A leader is much different from a tyrant or being a boss! There are many qualities that make a person a good leader, some of which I state here.

Having worked in with several bosses and leaders during my short Corporate career, I have found out that there are indeed some essence to being a good leader. Some traits that typically distinguish and set them apart from their counterpart bosses!

Here I state 10 top qualities that make a leader - one who is loved and respected by the peers -

10. Compassion - People who have a positive intent of knowing the other person, who has an understanding of the "human" feelings of and are in tune with the peers and subordinates are the ones most looked up to and respected leaders in any organization. These people win the hearts of the employees with their compassion and in the process are able to reap benefits in terms of productivity and revenue! They can drive the people to success by pushing them to the zenith of efficiency of each individual, because they just know how much to thrust with gentleness!

9. Attitude - Who likes to see a boss sulking around? Or one who storms into a subordinate's table to howl about what went wrong or what could go awry! I never did! In contrast, when we see that the team lead is full of life, has a positive attitude and is not fallacious, we feel the same! Employees feel motivated with such a person. A positive aura that spread around, helps employees to work and perform better, much better!

8. Responsibilities -  I have seen the bosses trying to put every blame on others. Do the collateral like it? Of course not! Yes, I committed a mistake and I need to accept the blame. But when the leader takes in the responsibility of the failure, he actually rises much above par. No matter how small or big an issue is, if the leader shows the way and accepts responsibilities, the others would follow! Its encouraging to see the leader accepting the failure. It makes the employees want to perform better.

7. Delegate - A smart leader is able to delegate responsibilities well amongst the team. They are able to trust their strivers to perform some work which in turn, works as a booster for the members of the team. It works as "Oh, my leader trusts me with this, I need to perform well", kind of attitude.

6. Fair - A leader is one who is unbiased. Its a boss who favors one employee over another. Its tyranny in a way. But a leader would not do that. They understand that there would always be something each of the team members are capable of and hence, unpartially recognize and if required, reward that!

5.  Earnest - We can see a boss bombarding a team member with all work and chilling out whole day. But a good leader is hard working. He/She would be seen working on something or other, helping his team members, coordinating, encouraging, everyone around. He/She would strive towards excellence and make sure that his/her team is doing the same. In short, he diligent!

4. Focus -  A good leader always a knows well to remain focused on the company objective. He/she needs to be directing the attention of his team and for this, he/she needs to make sure that he/she is well attentive! Its focus which drives excellence!

3. Courage - "All you need is plan, the road-map and the courage to press on the destination"! And that it is. A leader knows how to stand tall even when everyone else in the board room is against! He/She has the courage to take the risks when no one else would.

2. Honesty - We all know and accept the fact that honest leaders create better teams! If the team is not able to trust the credibility of the leader, how would they ever work? Obviously one cannot go around displaying honesty on a day to day basis, maybe. But over a period of time, the members of the team would realize if their boss is honest or not.

1. Intelligent - There's no doubt that this trait is the top most quality! Who would want to follow a fool? Not me. I'm sure neither you too! A leader has to be intelligent and display it for the members of his/her team to realize the same!

Keep leading people. Make the best of them. Rise and pull others along. Spread words of kindness. The life is short, lets not make it worst for others. Make an effort to exhibit positive leadership skills on others. That would ensure even you grow as an efficient leader!


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