My Pet World!

Hello again! I seem to be returning again and again to strafe my thoughts on you every time! Blogging indeed has helped me in expressing my voice; much better than I can ever say the same things to anyone! Well, as I am sitting here on the dining table and checking my mails, the newly added family members are checking me out continually! And that gives me an urge to write about them here.

Lucky to have been born and brought up in a family who values all living beings. I have seen pets around right from the time of birth. I remember we had dogs. Dogs had been our loyal pets since like, ever! Dogs being so attuned to human behavior, never fail to be the perfect companion whenever required! But apart from dogs, we also had pigeons, cats, duck, parrot, cows and fish. Of course not all at the same time, but something or the other at some point of time.

I remember having a pigeon who was wonderful. She would literally be following us everywhere around the house but never walk or fly out of our curtains! No, we never forced her to. But maybe she was too used to our love and affection. We were the ones taking care of her since she was born. I can still ruminate over how she used to actually perform stunts and amuse us. We would lay different obstacles around and she would step one at a time and reach the top and give the look like she had conquered the Everest!

Then we had a dog, a very pretty one and the most affectionate. We named her "Cherry". She was a treat to the eyes and to the heart, she was lotion! One look at her could always melt us away. She had been with us since like 15 years and all through that time, we had been the best of friends.

One fine day a small kitten walked through our doors. She was nothing extraordinary but out of affection for the tiny creature, I offered her food and milk. And she stayed back. I named her "Miss Pussy Cat"; quite obvious. Anyone who ever had a cat would definitely know cats do not show affection in loud ways. They just kiss, fluff their tails, chirps and mews when they are around their humans. And Miss Pussy Cat was no different. Anytime she saw me, she would be mewing and fluffing her tail all around me and  make me feel like she loves me the most on this earth! And she did. One call and she would be there at my side.

I still remember clear, when she was first about to deliver her babies, she wanted me and only me to be sitting around with her. And I did that. I was there at her painful hours, sitting and talking her her, loving her and saw the cute kittens coming out! Mesmerizing.

When I left home for further studies, my kitty would not eat or drink anything. This went on for days until I spoke to her over the phone and urged her to have some food. I do not know for real, if she understood or not but she did feel the pain of me being away and she did bear hunger.

When I was back, I saw her crossing my neighbor's ceiling. I gave her a shout. And believe it or not, she literally jumped over from that ceiling, and fell with a thud on the ground. I couldn't surmise she did that. I jumped over our boundary wall and picked her up. She was fine. but maybe little hurt of the fall. But that didn't deter her from kissing me. Aww, I am melting just writing about her!!

Kitty passed away of old age. And when Cherry passed away, it was unbearable for us. We couldn't imagine our lives without our pets. Pets, they are an extended family. The amount of affection they have for their humans, no other human can be a match! For years, we didn't have the courage to get another pet.

But destiny as it is already written, my spouse is also fond of pets and hence we got another dog for him. Puppy was another bunch of affection and mischief. He was the most naughty pet I ever had. Nevertheless, he was such a charm. He would just come and sit on our lap demanding to be loved and cuddled. Our daughter had seen her right from her birth. Puppy was a elder brother to her. Though puppy was little jealous when our daughter was born, but he soon befriended her. And they soon became the best of friends. Our daughter would worry if Puppy was wet, if he had had food, is he sleeping! Puppy passed away due to some allergy last year may. My child, now 4, is still not over with Puppy. She would still ask  - "Where is Puppy?"
"Why is he gone"
" Why did God take him?"

Questions difficult to answer when I myself am struggling to bear the pain. I told her once long time back that he has now become a star and still looking down upon us. So couple of days back when she saw a single star shining bright she asked "Mamma, is that Puppy?". Her question was heart wrenching.

My daughter had been demanding to get a puppy every single day since then. The first time she went shopping after Puppy's demise she got herself a soft toy as big as and in looks, ditto Puppy. I could understand her pain. She was missing him as much as we were! So finally, I gave in to her consecutive requests. And got her pets again. Just this time not a dog, but fishes!

And they are lovely. They would come over whenever i am near. I think they already know that its me who give them food! And I love them. Pets, they are so good. The love, the warmth they can give, no one else can.


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