
Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult person experiences sexual attraction to prepubescent children! Kids attain puberty by the age of 10. So anyone who is at least 16 years of age and the kid is at least five years younger, then the so called attraction is medically diagnosed as pedophilia.

Coming to terms of the word, a kid that age can be anything but sexually attractive! They could be charming, talented, inquisitive, rude, naughty, but not mentally prepared to have any sort of sexual encounter. And this disorder is an offence!

Although science offers a word to it and maintains that its a mental illness, but seriously, can it be really considered so? I mean, you see a kid, 5 years of age, and you feel sexually attracted to the kid to such an extent that you rape him/her? I cannot see any disorder in that. I feel that person is morally sick! The kid no doubt appears to be an easy victim to satisfy the insatiable desires of one. The child would in most cases so traumatized by the sudden turn of events that he/she would hardly have the courage to go and talk it out with anyone! Can the poor child have the courage to walk up to his/her mom or dad and explain the things done to him/her when he/she doesn't himself understand what had happened except maybe the pain they felt?

Pedophilia which derived from a Greek word meaning "Child friendship". But how come friendship involve sexual activities? A kid is supposed to be playing and understanding the meaning of friendship. If in the name of friendship, adults or adolescents perform these kind of heinous crimes on them, how are they ever able to befriend anyone? Would they ever be able to trust anyone? Wont their very existence be shattered? No, surely its not friendship. Its torture.

I was just reading an article in the web which was about some group of people supporting pedophilia! Seriously I have not a single doubt in my mind that you are whole bunch of mentally sick sex maniacs who see that the innocence of a child could be easily exploited since they would be too much sacred to raise a voice. You voice your sickness as "just sexual orientation"! I define it as "morally and mentally sick". No person in correct frame of mind and body can ever think of hurting a child so young. Children are the future generation, they are the ones who would build destiny. And if these buds are crushed at such a pathetic way then what fate are they to build? They would not even have the confidence to maybe stand straight and face the world!

This is my whole hearted message to everyone out there - "Please stop. Let the children feel safe and loved. Not exploited. Let them feel secure not crushed. Let them grow up to be human beings not anything less. Lets give the preserved childhood wherein they are free to enjoy themselves. As for sex, they can wait till they are appropriate age. So you wait too!"


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