Doing something better!

I have been considering myself as a novice blogger always. It's hardly been sometime. But I think it's not to be so!

Of late I have been receiving some very unrelated and negative comments from people from around the world! First it made me sad. Then I slowly got used to it. And today when I receive any such unwelcome comments, I find them funny. And it definitely proves I am doing something worth noticing! Thank you!

I am still forced to think what could make someone pass on indecent or stupid comments on someone else's blog. After all my blog is personal and is not targeting anyone specific. So why?!

So I have come up with these points of why-

1. He/She doesn't have a life! Well yes, this got to be number one point since if someone would had had a life they would not be poking their long nose into someone else's.
    This follows from the fact that maybe they do not have a loving family to support them or/and good friends either! Well whatever, maybe you can just start with self-love. And then try to be a better person. Life is full of surprises. Who knows maybe tomorrow you find yourself to be better. And then maybe people would start liking you even. But believe me, no body likes a sadist.

2. He/She doesn't have anything productive to do. Obviously if you spend time on the internet doing nothing, you do not have any work!

     Just go out and look for a job. Help your neighbor. Or if you have a family, help them. Help paint the garden. Do something that drains your energy and then you would feel more awake. Ideal mind is devil's workshop!

3. He/She is maybe depressed in life. Sometimes when people are depressed they want to just pass on this depression into someone else. What better way than renting it out on the social media?

    Social Media is not the cure my dear! It's a platform to meet new people, to make friends, to rebuild old relationship which got wary due to distance. It's not a place where you should unnecessarily be a slanderer. Life seems picture perfect when you look through social media, but believe me, it's not! So when in doubt, keep quite. If you cannot say something good, then don't spread hatred either.

Okay, so that's all for today. Keep reading my blog! God bless you!


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