Mommy, don't forget your hubby!

Human relationship are very fragile. They tend to break easily. More so in today's age where we have zero tolerance and believe in replacing a broken item than fixing it! Life is getting tougher with it everyday. And the one mostly suffered is the beautiful bond between a man and wife!

Every day there would be some news on divorce and separation in the news papers. Be it celebrities, or any normal ordinary human being. Be it the poor or the rich. If you do not match, walk off. Break the bond. But wait a minute is it really worth it?

People marry with the intention of being happy ever after. Once the whole drama of marriage is over, reality slowly creeps in through a small peep hole! We learn about each other's flaws and limitations. And then​ the nose poking relatives who make life more difficult.

Some break down then and there itself. Others who still face these bravely and manage to have kids, the pressure only increases.

Being parent is no easy job. But being lovely parents is very important. We need to show respect to each other and obviously love each other. It's only in a safe environment that a kid can grow properly and nourish his/her brain. They learn what they see. If they see negligence between the mother and the father, they would not feel safe expressing their thoughts and views. The kids would soon fall into the pitch of loneliness and depression.

Obviously while taking care of the child, we the moms, tend to neglect our spouse to some extent. But we should soon bring ourselves into the right track. Same is the case with the husband. If the wife is busy, do not go looking for love outside. Spend time with her, love her for what she is doing. After all it's your child too.

Only love and understanding can hail a healthy relationship. The ties don't break overnight. Neither does it build overnight. It takes times to nourish the beautiful affinity. The baby should not be the marriage breaker. Rather both should work together to build the kid's future. Give your babies a home wherein they are safe.

We see so many adults these days who do not believe in the very foundation of marriage. You know why? Because they might have had a traumatic childhood. Maybe they saw that their parents were separated or abusive.

As a child, if your kid is playing marriage or tells you he/she wants to get married, then believe me you are great parents. You are providing a strong base for the kids and they are starting to believe in marriage because they see their parents happy with each other.

Build the trust, keep them happy, play with them, but don't forget each other. It's only if you love each other, your kids would love you more. Love your spouse, your marriage would thank you! Your children would too!


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