Self love - after delivery!

Delivery - the very word brings a sense of joy, isn't it? Be it a pizza, a dress or a pair of shoes! More so when its delivery of a child! The whole family, friends, social media, everyone rejoice at the birth of a baby! The parents feel so ecstatic that its difficult to explain it in words. And then slowly reality kicks in.

Birth of a child brings in great responsibilities. Sleepless nights, stinky nappies, tiresome baby feeds all takes a toll on the health and mind of the new parents; specially the mommy! The lady outgrows overnight. Her whole life changes and in most cases in order to take care of the child she starts neglecting herself. It might not be so for all. But many women like me have faced it. Like its truly said "It takes a village to raise a child." Actually the more the people, the better it is for the mother if she gets the desired helping hands. Else other wise the parents are enough to take care of the child.

For someone like me, I have done it single-handedly. No, it doesn't mean that my spouse doesn't help or something. But he definitely has to go for work to take care of me and the child. So its almost me who had raised the child. And in the whole process, I have neglected myself a lot. The initial days were tough. Slowly it started getting tougher. I remember there would be days when i wouldn't bother combing my hair. No cream I applied. Practically nothing I did that was to take care of myself. No exercise, no food routine; nothing. Days rolled into weeks, weeks into months and months to years.

Then I started seeing results of the immense self neglect on myself. My mood would be off. I suffered from depression. My skin looked pale and dry. One look into the mirror would only make me more depressed. I started avoiding mirrors.

One fine day I thought it was enough of neglect. I need to take care of myself so that I could take better care of my child. My depression obviously had an impact on my family. I was not able to give my hundred percent to them, So I started working on myself again. My baby is still important of course. But I'm important too.

I started with simple walking and little bit of grooming myself. Walking - that was not outside in the lawn. It was right in the rooms when my kid was sleeping. I started small. Slowly I started gaining back my confidence and with each passing day, I started gaining myself back. Happy me and hence a happy family.

Now four years down the line, I go swimming whenever possible. At times my kid would just sit and keep watching me. And other times we all would be in the pool enjoying. I have now scheduled routines of self-time. Time-outs as I call them, I take them once a month or so. But yes, now my family too understands and respects the "Me-time" that I need. Even my kid, though still so young, respects my time. She has turned out to be a darling.

Hence I urge every mom, to love yourself first. Its not being selfish. Its just that if you are happy with yourself, you can really take better care of your family. Your kids would just thank you for it. At the end of the day, they would not remember your looks but the time you spent with them. And to make that time memorable, you have to start by taking care of yourself today!


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