The game called "Motherhood"!

Aaahhh! The very thought that went into my mind when I finished typing the title was "Aaahhh!". Game is it? Well yes! In this article I would try putting my thoughts on why I think it to be so!

Game - what is it? The noun says Game is any activity we engage in for amusement. As an adjective, Game is being eager or willing to do something new and challenging! Well well. In both the definitions, doesn't it sort of define motherhood?

Motherhood - the state of being a mother. Now, mother is such a pious word in every Culture of the world. Everyone respects a mother. Women, well most of them, consider themselves lucky and gifted to have become a mother. Some other who are not fortunate enough to bear their own child, have them through other means which is fair to both the child and the women. And some others do not want babies, which is also entirely their choice and respect that too!

Now, mothers whether own child, adopted, or surrogate, are all playing a different game. They are in no competition with someone else. The main competition a mother faces is with herself. She is her own enemy and her most beloved friend. She is the goal and she is the battleground.

A mother daily wakes up with hands full of chores. Whether one is working or a stay at home, either ways there's no escape to motherhood. And believe me, although mother's complain, they enjoy themselves to the fullest. After all the hard work, what could be more rewarding than a warm hug from a cute four year old?! What words could be more soothing to the ears than "I love you mommy!"

Every day is a challenge for the mom. Juggling between the house hold chores, playing with the kids, preparing food, taking kids to school, etc etc etc. The list of chores is endless. But everyday, every single mom does it and does it with grace and perfection. No, no one needs to give an exact definition of perfection here. Every mom is perfect since they are doing it to the best of their capabilities.

Some days are good, some bad. Some terrible with a two year old. And some worst with a teenager. But all is well. The next day, every mom wakes up to get better. To love their child a bit more. To play with them a little longer and hold them tight. The journey continues. There's actually no age when children do not need their mothers. Hence once a mother always a mother! The game never ends! The victory is always sweet. And the journey is full of excitement.

Long live the mothers and may the game of Motherhood keep passing on the generations!


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