Mumbai...Our short stay!

Last year in September we got transferred to Mumbai. The city of dreams as they call it was never in our minds. We never hoped to work in Mumbai. It was just not our choice. However destiny had other plans quite opposite to ours and we we were forced to be in Mumbai!

The day we were to leave 'Dilwalo ki Dilli' for 'Amchi Mumbai', our flights got delayed. Delayed not by 5 minutes or 10; not by an hour or half. But by complete three hours! And like said 'Teen teegara kam beegara'!!! And that was the beginning of our 'bigra kam' or bad days!!

We landed in Mumbai late, extremely late at around midnight. Taxi to our hotel was long journey too. By the time we reached hotel we were super exhausted, hungry and angry! Then the formalities that followed at the hotel reception was icing on the cake. Sitting at the reception at mid night could only race our already super excited nerves.

However, all done. We finally retired to bed. Sick and tired, we instantly fell asleep. Next two weeks just passed by. Then the horror followed. I felt sick and kept popping Combiflam. Such was my body pain that  I had to take the pills every four hours​. One fine morning I was too itchy on my arms and I had a bad feeling that I was suffering from Dengue. By this time I had already done all research on Dengue.

The morning my spouse woke up, I blurted out that I think I could have Dengue! Dengue??? My word was enough to make everyone shiver! My hubby took me to hospital instantly. And voila, my tests were all positive!

Immediately me and my child took a flight back home. I needed rest, bed rest. So had to be home. Back home, I was asked to do blood tests every morning to keep track of my complete blood count, CBC. Dengue makes the platelets drop. It could drop overnight to alarming limits and even cause death of the concerned person. But I survived well. Looking better,we returned to Mumbai after two weeks.

By this time my spouse managed to get an apartment for us. So that sounded like a relief. But one week into the flat and problems started again! This time - No water! It seemed like a regular issue for the local people but for us, it was like catastrophe!!! We didn't know how to survive without water. We didn't have the slightest idea that we need to store water! For heaven's sake, we never faced all these!!

That was not enough. Our society was deprived of electricity because of non-payment of bills. And hence, walk up and down 18 floors!! Easy, isn't it? Hell, was the word.

When life seemed to smile at us finally, my child had a bad fall from bed and had to be hospitalized. No fracture or wound but for observation, because she vomited after the fall. That was when we lost all our cool. We started hating the place. Immediately after, my spouse burnt his leg. That's it. We couldn't like this place. It was like the worst phase of our life. The very dark phase.

Somehow moving on, we got our kid admitted to school. School is not the word...It should be called 'Pathshala'. Why you might ask. It's because they made kids sit on the ground. Literally on the ground. In the cold weather, kids were forced to sit with naked feet. Shoes not allowed either. My child caught bad cold. I was extremely bugged up by now.

In the name of education there was only discrimination and body shaming. The boys were told funny things like "Are you a girl to sit with the girls?" And such statements. Highly disappointed we were.

Finally when we got the news that we were being transferred, we were more that overjoyed. We thanked God for finally looking down upon us. And we moved. The end to the worst seven months of our life.

Like it's rightly said, it's all in the mind. Maybe because at the very first place we didn't wanted to go to Mumbai, we faced such negative stay! Its indeed in the mind. These kind of things could happen to anyone anywhere. But because we had already made our mind, so we associated every gloomy upshot to the place!

Mumbai, goodbye it is!!


Mumbai- I'm sure all schools and societies are not the same. There must be much better places. This was just my experience.


  1. I can understand...its not easy for anyone to move to a new and unknown city, especially with a kiddo...feel so sorry that you had to face all these troubles. But think it as an experience...And All's Well that ends Well!!!Be Happy & keep smiling :)

    1. Thanks Juri for such kind words. 😄


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