Ten things that makes a daddy great!

Being a mommy, I tend to write more on how it had been. The whole journey through pregnancy and after wards! But my spouse had been no less. He had had my back every single day. Of how much I am a good mom, my spouse plays a very pivotal role in it!

This could be the same with you too! Men, these days are much more sensitive. They help out the women in home! It's not about role-reversal. But simply being helpful.

Here I point out 10 remarkable things men do that makes them great daddy!!!

10. Mature - no one is born a father. Like a mom is born when she gives birth. Same is the case with any Pappa! He is born along with his child. And it's his choice to grow up along with the child or not. A good parent would try and learn new ways to be a better parent to his kids and not remain stuck to his earlier boyhood days! Sure enough it requires time but he does it!

9. Help them with their doubts - a father who is present to answer the doubts a child has and hence help educate the kid, is wonderful. A life's learning that he has, he can impart it on his children too. And help them face life better.

8. Own responsibilities - children do everything. They do not understand the intricacies and would never own up their wrong doings! But a poppa could teach them of how to be responsible and own it up!

7. Show affection - children needs affection to grow properly. Love only build the foundation of a lovely life they could have! And it's important that the Pappa too shows them that he loves them. And a loving one does that with grace!

6. Discipline their kids - discipline is not only the mother's job. Father plays a very important role too. If the father sticks to the rules of the family instead of letting their kids just go, it sets a good example for the kids too. They learn that there is a way of doing everything and there's a limit. Kids obviously do not understand it, so pa plays a role in this and a good dada does it with perfection. Discipline doesn't mean being physically or emotionally abusive. It's making them understand.

5. Family first - a good dad is always there for the family. Be it the child's first admission or PTM, the cricket match or the dance class, a good father would make sure to make time for that important event. That's his way of saying that his family is important to him!

4. Feeds the child - Yes, why not? Feeding the child is so much an important activity and what's a better way to bond with the little one? Feeding gives ample time for the father to know his child and the other way too! The kid comes to have a better understanding of the father! They learn that there's nothing to be scared of the Pappa!

3. Plays with the kid - Children needs quality time with their dads too. The bonding between a kid and the mother begins much before the baby is born but for Dad's, its a gradual process. And playing wires the relationship! Also, there are many things a child can learn from the daddy!

2. Change nappy - oh yes, this is not only the mom's job! Dads too change the child's nappy these days and there's no shame in it! After all the child belongs to both the parents!

1. Love the wife - this comes as number one point because if there is no love between the mom and the dad, no one can really be so selfless with the kid! Time and again we see such cases where children suffer because of the turmoil between the parents. Separated or abusing relationship amongst parents cause a irreparable damage in the very soft tiny brains of the innocent children. Happy loving parents means happy child!

There are many other things a man does which makes him a great parent! The list could just go on. I salute the men who understand that family is important and give time to them. All my respect goes out to them and most importantly to my spouse for being a wonderful dad!

**Image source - Google


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